Animal adventure | The jungle kingdom – Longleat jungle safari.

Last weekend we planned to have a little adventure in our otherwise caught up lives! Right then, one of our friends mentioned about visiting Longleat jungle safari! Sure enough, all voted in and the plan was made instantly.

I ain’t too much of an animal lover, like I don’t keep any pets to say, but ‘Jungle Safari?’ like who would not want to visit! and much to say, I did have a fun packed day exploring this worth a million pound of attraction.


This adventure park, is one you MUST visit if your living in UK or by any chance happen to visit UK. I stay in London, and this place is at Longleat, Warminster, Wiltshire. Believe me the beauty you encounter on the way, while you drive, is simply mesmerizing. And yes, we came across Stonehenge as well on our way.



Giraffes really are a pleasure to watch! there were a bunch of these. Before you even know, you’ll find yourself looking a giraffe in the eye! so close. You can even feed them. 

20 Feeding the animals, the best part of all. I had never thought I would ever be feeding any deers or a rainbow lorikeet, to land and drink nectar straight from my hand!(lorikeets were in the adventure park, where u can feed them) It’s amazing.

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Well, we think we are smart? These creatures will just show us they aren’t any less 😀 We had monkeys land straight from the trees and jump and climb all around us. You’ll enjoy monkey realm the most! 🙂

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Well these big cats, I mean Tigers did scare the hell out of us when we saw them calmly crossing our way. One even roared later quite loud making few kids scream. But since you’re in your car, no fear.


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Unlike a Zoo, where animals are caged, jungle Safari is something you will enjoy more. Much cause these animals are free, and you are wandering amid them 🙂 So, these are few pics from the safari park… there was still too much to explore, like the jungle cruise, aboard the jungle express train.

 All I can say is that, it’s just priceless to experience these animals all around the world, so close and personal. These rare, unique creatures are a gift to humans. They ought to live! This adventure park visit was a stress relief cum energy booster for me, my family and friends. 🙂

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